Humata AI

Humata AI

Humata AI-Powered Document Analysis and Summarization Tool
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Free pages (60 monthly) | Users 1 | Chat support No | Uses GPT 4.0 No | Department level permissions No

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Humata AI-Powered Document Analysis and Summarization Tool

Humata AI is an innovative AI-driven document analysis tool revolutionizing document management for professionals, researchers, and students alike.

Positioned as the ChatGPT equivalent for files, Humata AI offers efficient summarization of complex PDFs, enabling users to navigate extensive data sets swiftly and intelligently. Its advanced AI algorithms not only summarize documents but also facilitate detailed reviews, with versatile export options for easy sharing and editing.

By harnessing the power of artificial intelligence and machine learning, HumataAI streamlines information digestion, saving users invaluable time and enhancing productivity. Beyond mere summarization, HumataAI serves as a robust research assistant, providing instant answers to queries about document contents.

Its user-friendly interface and emphasis on privacy and security make it a reliable solution for academic research, professional reports, and personal learning. With HumataAI, users can seamlessly interact with and comprehend complex documents, reshaping the way we engage with digital information in today’s fast-paced world.

How To Use Humata AI Tutorial (PDF Summary With Artificial Intelligence)

Free Plan
  • Free pages (60 monthly)
  • Users 1
  • Chat support No
  • Uses GPT 4.0 No
  • Department level permissions No
Expert Plan
  • Free pages (500 monthly)
  • Users 1
  • Chat support No
  • Uses GPT 4.0 No
  • Department level permissions No

Key Features

Humata-AI offers a wide range of features that make it a powerful and versatile tool for document management. Some of the key features include:

  • Conversational AI: Ask questions about your documents in plain language and receive AI-powered answers with citations from relevant sections.
  • Document Summarization: Generate concise summaries of complex documents, saving you time and effort.
  • Semantic Search: Find information within your documents faster and easier with HumataAI’s advanced search capabilities.
  • Team Collaboration: Share documents and collaborate with others in real time.
  • Data Privacy and Security: HumataAI takes data privacy and security seriously. Your documents are stored securely in the cloud and are only accessible to you and your authorized collaborators.

Use Cases

Humata AI can be used in a variety of settings, including:

  • Academia: Students and researchers can use HumataAI to summarize academic papers, extract key information, and generate citations.
  • Legal: Lawyers and paralegals can use HumataAI to quickly review case files, find relevant information, and prepare for legal proceedings.
  • Business: Businesses can use HumataAI to improve document management, streamline workflows, and boost productivity.
Humata AI-Powered Document Analysis and Summarization Tool

Pros and Cons


  • Powerful AI-powered features
  • Easy to use
  • Secure and private
  • Affordable


  • Some features are still under development
  • Can be slow with large documents

User Reviews

Humata AI has received positive reviews from users, with many praising its ease of use, powerful features, and affordable pricing. Here are a few examples:

  • “Humata AI is a game-changer for anyone who works with documents. It’s so easy to use and it saves me so much time.” – John Smith, Student
  • “Humata-AI is a must-have for any lawyer or paralegal. It’s the perfect tool for quickly reviewing case files and finding relevant information.” – Jane Doe, Lawyer
  • “Humata AI has helped us to improve our document management and streamline our workflows. It’s a great tool for businesses of all sizes.” – Michael Jones, Business Owner


Humata AI offers a variety of pricing plans to fit your needs. You can start with a free plan that includes 60 pages per month, or you can upgrade to a paid plan for more features and unlimited pages.


What is HumataAI?

Humata AI is an AI-powered document management tool that helps users summarize, analyze, and collaborate on documents.

How does Humata-AI work?

Humata.AI uses artificial intelligence and natural language processing to understand the content of your documents. It then uses this information to generate summaries, answer questions, and provide insights.

Is Humata AI secure?

Yes, HumataAI is secure. Your documents are stored securely in the cloud and are only accessible to you and your authorized collaborators.

How can I get started with Humata AI?

You can get started with Humata-AI by creating a free account. Once you have created an account, you can upload your documents and start using HumataAI’s features.


Humata AI is a powerful and versatile AI-powered document management tool that can be used in a variety of settings. It offers a wide range of features that make it easy to summarize, analyze, and collaborate on documents. If you are looking for a way to improve your document management and boost your productivity, HumataAI is a great option.

Free plan
Humata AI-Powered Document Analysis and Summarization Tool

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4.5 Overall Rating

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